SoftGripping Controlbox with integrated pump

Art. n.º: RBTX-SOFT-0018

The control box with an integrated pump is perfect for cobot and training applications. But also mobile applications where an external or large compressor is inaccessible are ideal use cases for this control box. It contains everything needed to operate pneumatic grippers: a compressor and a vacuum pump are permanently installed. The grippers are very robust and can be operated at a speed of over 60 cycles per minute without any problems. Basically, the use of this box allows the operation of the following SoftGripping product lines: Educational, SoftActuator and SoftGripper, but is also applicable to other product lines.

This model is a good choice, if no compressed air infrastructure is available. Alternatively there is a model with more power that requires compressed air.

Prazo de envio habitual: 3 semanas

Output pressure
-0.5 - 2.0 bar

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