ReBeL cobot workstation

Art. n.º: RBTX-IGUS-0140

The ReBeL workstation provides the perfect environment for testing fantastic automation solutions with the ReBeL. The prepared workspace makes it easy and quick to get started: assemble it yourself and start programming. The T-slot profiles allow for a modular design.

Profiles must be set up by yourself.

Prazo de envio habitual: 3 semanas

900x1800x1100 mm

Pontos fortes

Configurate your cobot workstation

With the RBTXperience, you can configure the Cobot workstation yourself in your individual design and equipped with various robots, grippers and accessories.

You can find the configurator here:

To the RBTXperience

Soluções low-cost construídas com a RBTX


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